We have and extensive catalog of products for our customers. With our innovative digital marketing as well as our expert sales team, we can help your business stand out from the crowd; Therefore, become a customer and see just how well we will treat you.
Based in Calgary Alberta, Birkby Foods delivers to thousands of customers for well known vendors; Nestle, Parmalat and Simply just to name a few. Our customers range from a wide array of different services; Convenience stores, gas stations, coffee shops, large retailers, groceries, restaurants, education campuses, theme parks, and healthcare facilities are a few of the different services we interact with daily.
We can handle your daily, weekly or seasonal delivery of commercial food products because we have the knowledge and experience to get the job done. Our fleet of drivers and vehicles is at the ready to serve your needs. We not only deliver in large urban markets, but also specialize in rural delivery as well.
We employ the latest logistics technology to manage, track and deliver your orders. Our OMS (Order Management System) provides a complete back-office system for managing invoicing and billing. We also equip our drivers with mobile tablets, capable of editing and printing invoices, applying credits and payments and capturing digital signatures on-site. All this adds up to a rock-solid logistics platform that ensure your orders will be accurate, on-time and consistent throughout the year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our order desk orders@birkbyfoods.com or 1-855-394-3663
To speak to a customer service representative to find out how we can help you.
Our customer list is large, and growing every day. Here are some examples of businesses and industries that we currently serve:
- Grocery stores (both large and independent)
- Gas Stations
- Convenience Stores
- Artisan Bakeries
- Craft Ice cream Microcreameries
- Hotels and Hospitality
- Schools and Educational Campuses
- Healthcare Facilities
- Small and Large Restaurants
- Also Festivals, Private Parties and Fundraising Events
Do you currently fall under one of these categories as well? If so, then see how we could be helping your company improve. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our order desk orders@birkbyfoods.com or 1-855-394-3663 to speak to a customer service representative to find out how we can help you.